Okay, we got it! Although it was sunny, it was also December thus really really cold. The animals were inside...at their winter shelters. So, we started visiting the shelters. The first one was the one with the pandas (by the way it is also the D.C. metro's official mascot).
Unfortunately, the little Panda was not at home at that moment (kids.....), so we didn't manage to take a picture of it.
We let the Panda's family have their meal and went to visit the other mammals.
On the way to the next shelter we met this guy
Here we are.... Lets see the small mammals.
The first to see was this simian, but I can't remember its race :(
You can see the male climbing on the branches and his wife sitting over their bed (woman stays home, while her husband tries to find some extra food).
Prevost's Squirrel: